Recent advances in technology have allowed us to detect things that have been overlooked in the past. As a result, the classical central dogma, which states "messenger RNA transcribed from DNA is translated into proteins that carry out cellular functions" has recently begun to be revised. We are focusing on molecules that are not included in the dogma, such as unannotated small proteins and functional RNAs. These molecules are prime candidates for the "missing pieces" in explaining biological phenomena and molecular mechanisms. With this new perspective, we aim to unravel the mysteries of cell fate determination using pluripotent stem cells as a model.
biologyNon-canonical microproteins
Mechanisms of translational regulation
Endogenous retrovirus -
Cell identity and
fate decisionSelf-renewal and proliferation
Lineage priming
A teamwork and open door policy make our research productive

- TEAMWORK Sharing research materials, technologies, and data with others
- DECISION MAKING All members will contribute to their respective projects.
- FLAT ENVIRONMENT An environment where everyone can share their opinions.